Let’s restore nature. Together.

We are the UK’s first community funding platform dedicated to rewilding land and restoring nature.

Our vision is to restore more land back to natural woodland to fight climate change. Our mission is to give people and communities the opportunity to fund small-scale passive rewilding projects that will establish this woodland.

Sign up below to stay up to date with our upcoming projects.

Nature. For the people.

TreeTop is a community funding platform that enables our members (people and communities) to pay our partners (farmers and landowners) to leave small plots of marginal land to passively rewild.

Our platform allows members to make subscription payments, track carbon capture, see rewilding updates from the land, and even book visits!

How it works

Check out our new rewilding projects and find one you’re interested in funding.


Subscribe to a project that you’re interested in and start making payments.


These payments enable our TreeTop partners to restore and maintain natural woodland on their land.


Stay up to date with updates, content and data from your land in our TreeTop member area.


You can even book to visit the land in person!


The longer you subscribe the more features and rewards you unlock in the TreeTop member area.


Your TreeTop subscription

Long term focus

The contracts we establish between you - our members - and our partners (farmers and landowners) ensure TreeTop projects have long term protection

Stay updated

Our member area will keep you informed with regular updates on your project, including rewilding progress, new photos, drone footage, animal sightings…. the list is endless!

Carbon capture

TreeTop runs regular carbon sequestration estimates on the land so we can work out how much capture can be attributed to you and your subscription payments

Nature experience

Experience the land digitally through our website, or book a slot to visit the project and see for yourself!

Support our partners

Your subscription payments provide income for our farmer and landowner partners, and ensure they can continue to be custodians of the land. As well as make a livelihood from it

Join the community

Join our growing funding family and interact with a community of others who want to tackle climate change and restore nature

We do things differently.

  • We don’t run a short term scheme to meet a deadline or hit a target. And we aren’t government sponsored. We want to restore nature, permanently. The rewilding projects that you crowdfund are long term because we contract directly with our partners on a long term basis. No risk of nature’s progress being halted.

  • We think nature is amazing. But our busy lives mean that too often we don’t appreciate what it can offer and how it can benefit us. We want TreeTop to be a haven where you can slow down, take a breath, and experience nature. Digitally and first hand.

  • We want to make sure that the crowdfunding payments you make have a positive impact on the local economy. We don’t displace local people from the land - your TreeTop payments allow local farmers and landowners to continue to be custodians of the land and make an income in doing so.

  • Any carbon capture that happens on the land is attributed to you and your fellow crowdfunders only. TreeTop Partners cannot pursue any public carbon credit generation, although they are allowed to accrue other biodiverity or nature credits.

  • We understand that nature has a fair few billion years of experience! Given the time and the space, it will create healthy ecosystems that capture carbon. All we do is give it that time and space by reducing human interference and increasing natural process influence - a process called ‘passive rewilding’. We let nature take back control.

Interested in becoming a TreeTop partner?

If you are a farmer or landowner with small plots of land that you are happy to restore back to natural woodland in return for monthly income, get in touch and see if becoming a TreeTop partner would be a good fit.